Some mysteries are better left unlocked and examined- if it all,with caution. I am however not of this mind when it comes to intersting bands of a psychedelic stripe and persuasion. Such is the case with our Pick of the Week this week:
The NoMen! Hailing from Scotland "The NoMen has always been a loose collective of musicians who play with different bands but, since February 2010, they settled on a four piece line up and started expanding their songwriting skills which has culminated in this album written, produced and released independently by the band." (Music Industry News Network)
They've just released another great album of whip-smart originals along with their typical shrewd cover version choice(s), like Faine Jade & Ramases on The NoMen Are Zodiac Adventurers! Available as a free download.

A brilliant band, and one you'll be reading much more about.
You can listen to the archived stream here; or, hear it this Friday, on The Dead Man's Turn Me On, Dead Man show on Live365, where it's heard every Friday at noon eastern time, as well as Mr. Atavist's Sunrise Ocean Bender show, heard every Friday from 3 to 6am eastern, on WRIR in Richmond, VA.
the nomen rule !!!!
Paul Groovy
i concur !!!!
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