Tuesday, December 13, 2011

-valis Pick of the Week

Hail Voyagers e dammi questo!

Our Pick this week are every bit psychedelic veterans having been founded in 1987. Still maintaining the fire & vision of the early days, they're set to release a new album this Thursday, December 15th! Self-released with planetary distribution via CD Baby, it's Pisa, Italy's The Strange Flowers and their new album The Grace Of Losers.

Like American counterparts The Grip Weeds, The Strange Flowers get better seemingly with each outing. As Jimi would say: "they are experienced." Throughout the nine-song album they prove life has taught 'em a thing or two and they know what to do with it. They want more. And, so do I.

You can hear streaming of the full album at their SoundCloud page and await the arrival of Thursday when CD Baby will provide you a means to get your own. Here's the first video from The Grace Of Losers:

Thanks Giulia! e...A buon intenditor poche parole.

You can listen to the archived stream here; or, hear it this Friday, on The Dead Man's Turn Me On, Dead Man show on Live365, where it's heard every Friday at noon eastern time, as well as Mr. Atavist's Sunrise Ocean Bender show, heard every Friday from 3 to 6am eastern, on WRIR in Richmond, VA.

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