Proving yet again Chicago is full of the sounds we love comes our new Pick of the Week: Apteka! We aired both tracks of the Traitors 7". Blistering stuff.

You can listen to the archived stream here; or, hear it this Friday, on The Dead Man's Turn Me On, Dead Man show on Live365, where it's heard every Friday at noon eastern time, as well as Mr. Atavist's Sunrise Ocean Bender show, heard every Friday from 3 to 6am eastern, on WRIR in Richmond, VA.
Thanking you most sincerely, for providing yet another couple of top tunes. I salute you mon ami.
Hi Valis,
Sorry for posting this in the comments section. I have just printed up the 1st issue of my fanzine Optical Sounds and thought it might be something up your street?
more here
interviews with The Heads, CAVE,The CUlt OF Dome Keller, Sri Aurobindo,Serpentina SAtelite & Sylvester Anfang II + articles on Spacemen 3 Plasticland Blue Cheer Perth County Conspiracy...
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