Tuesday, September 18, 2012

-valis Pick of the Week

Hail Voyagers and happy Tuesday once again! (The planet is flying!)

Our Pick this week comes from the New England area of the U.S., Boston specifically, in the form of Magic Shoppe! No strangers to this blog or its readers, they opened the Summer salvo of psychedelia on our 2011, Vol. IV, compilation . Their new EP, titled Triangulum Australe , is now available via their Bandcamp page with an assist from the evr-growing pulsating brain that is Toronto's Optical Sounds label.

At four tracks it won't wear out any welcome. It might wear out your speakers. Josiah Webb & Co., in the form of Kevin Seidel and Dale Nixon, serve up a fuzz n' reverb'd recipe for your earbuds, your taste buds, and your buds with good taste. (I'm sure there are more angles to this "bud" thing but I'm not going there.)

To wit, try "Shangri-La In Reverse".....

At $4.- it's ridiculously well worth the coins, imho. (Seems less than quite a few other things which are decidedly NOT worth their coins.) Perhaps if enough of us put some in that porcine coin-containment device they'll build a long player next time 'round the Sun. Then we can all say: "..well done voyagers!"

You can listen to the archived stream here; or, hear it this Friday, on The Dead Man's Turn Me On, Dead Man show on Live365, where it's heard every Friday at noon eastern time, as well as Mr. Atavist's Sunrise Ocean Bender show, heard every Monday from 1 to 3 am eastern, on WRIR in Richmond, VA.


platty21 said...

true valis $4.00..........lucky to get a coffee for that in sydney.
well worth the trip to bandcamp and paypal im[notso]ho

platty21 said...

actually buy the triangulum ep and you'll get the reverberation ep free,gratis, nix spodulix [how good is that?]and both tastier than a coffee

Cliff said...

Yet again, my ears thank you for the tip-off. Have to agree with the above comments, Oz is sooo bloody expensive and the Triangulum EP represents great value for money.