Tuesday, March 06, 2012

-valis Pick of the Week

Hail Voyagers! A new week brings a new Pick and we've got another great choice for your ears: Brooklyn's Ancient Sky! Their new album, T.R.I.P.S., is available via Bandcamp (digitally,) or Loud Baby Sounds for those who prefer vinyl.

Since their self-titled album's release in 2009, nearly two and one-half years ago, I hardly recognize them; it's as if I'm comparing my eighth grade graduation picture with my high school grad' pic': more muscle, more vocabulary, more skill, more sparking inside the cranium. More everything. the 28-month interim has not been wasted on Brian Markham, Pat Broderick, Mike Kutchman and Christian DeRoeck!

There's a dynamic here which satisfies every button my psych-loving eardrums need. It may be attributable to better combustibles they've taken in. Maybe the often bandied term "maturation," or sheer practice, practice, practice. Whatever it is, the distance between the two albums couldn't be greater and we should all be praising the end result regardless of route or method. Me, my Sennheisers sizzle.

Try this one:

Highest recommend!
You can listen to the archived stream here; or, hear it this Friday, on The Dead Man's Turn Me On, Dead Man show on Live365, where it's heard every Friday at noon eastern time, as well as Mr. Atavist's Sunrise Ocean Bender show, heard every Friday from 3 to 6am eastern, on WRIR in Richmond, VA.

1 comment:

Nazz Nomad said...

I dig the bass- but I will say, that as a NY'er who won't go into Brooklyn unless I am forced, that Brooklyn is about as antithetical to psychedelia as humanly possible. I would eat acid in a turkish prison before I would venture lysergically into Satan's asshole (aka Brooklyn).