The locker of astoundingly great things is full to bursting, and thusly we've a new Holo-Hagiography post! Calloo callay! O' frabjous day!
Right, let's on with it shall we..?
Firstly, we've added five new blogs/websites to the "Outbound Flights" section. All are very worthy of your time and have certainly assisted me in keeping up with our favorite genre-and beyond. In alphabetical order:
The Decibel Tolls
Kenny Bloggins and his merry band of prank/scene-sters are usually spot-on with their reviews and assessments of all things strange, weird, psychedelic and wondrous. And, he gets there faster than most. Get hip, you've been tipped.
Dirty Sexy Karma
Terri's a true believer, and her unquenchable thirst for more shines brightly on the pages of her blog. I'm a fan. (Plus, as you'll learn below: we OWE her!)
DRONE Magazine
Beth does the Australian scene like no one I am currently aware of. She's not limited to just the (always brilliant) Aussies either, casting her gaze far afield. Always worth a look.
Incomplete Tales Of Several Journeys
All over the music map, and in a good way. They're fans and it shows.
Johnny Loves Fuzztone
Boy-o-boy! A fellow Brian Jonestown Massacre acolyte, (check out today's post!) as well as a sharer of many great bootlegs.., good fellow this one!
There you go! Five great blogs to make your days go faster than they already are! Give 'em a look and tell 'em "-valis sent me."
For those of you into reading articles regarding the genre of our desire & affection, might I recommend " Contemporary Psychedelia: From Transcendence to Immanence " by Peter Bebergal, on Zeek.net..?
OK, how about some free and outstanding music?
As mentioned above, in the Dirty Sexy Karma introduction, we've got Terri to thank for this one. And what a one it is!!! DAMN! This thing comes roaring outta' the gates like a new Cerberus birthed. It does NOT let up either. A definite future "-valis Pick of the Week" on the radio show sure to singe ears, warp minds, and cause general euphoria and "holy sh__!" in many a home and hearth:
Sisters of Your Sunshine Vapor Their self-titled album is available thru' their website, upper left side, where it states "Media." Available as mp3s or lossless format. (Also, their previous incarnation as Sik Sik Nation produced an LP, Eight Styles To The Unholy which is also available. HIGHEST RECOMMEND!
Wanna' listen first? Go here.
Mike-Floyd, of the Homemade Lo-Fi Psych blogspot, left us a comment on last week's post; just in case you missed it:
The next Homemade-Lofi-Psych Sampler (# 4) is ready for free download:
– New far-out music for a new HEAD generation –
Enjoy! And feel free to repost if you like it.
So, we did...
Now, onto datawaslost: Datawaslost is close-knit group of musicians from across the Midwest, making records and art and god only knows what else with the hope that maybe some of it might actually be real enough to matter. We record it ourselves, in basements and bedrooms, sing our little hearts out to the tune of beeps and strummed guitars, then wrap it up, send it out, and see what happens. If we make money, then great, we get to make another record. If not, we do it anyway. We've all got day jobs to keep us fed, or at least no illusions about working in the music industry. We just like making music, and hope you like what we do.
I like it! May I suggest The Most Powerful Telescope In The Universe ?
There you go! May it please. Stay tuned as our big annual "Best Of..." post is coming next week! Have a great week!
Such a helpful, informative post, V. You are the best....
hey, just found your blog.. really awesome and interesting stuff. Check out mine if you want! www.ritualroom.blogspot.com
cheers :)
Love this site! Lots of great bands to find on here and a lot I already found. Most overlooked CD of 2009 is The Ancient Sons "The Dark Gospel"(my band)! We are on mySpace and you should give it a spin sometime. Dark Gospel Psyche music.
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